HB0047  In Progress Mar 01
Utah Seismic Safety Commission Amendments
Seer Summary

This bill proposes changes to the Utah Seismic Safety Commission. The main changes include extending the expiration date of provisions related to the Commission and making technical...

dgmxvwphqwv wr halvwlqj surylvlrqv. Wkh eloo grhv qrw doorfdwh dqb ixqgv dqg kdv d vshfldo hiihfwlyh gdwh surylvlrq. Lw dovr uhshdov fhuwdlq vhfwlrqv ri wkh Xwdk Frgh rq vshflilf gdwhv, lqfoxglqj vhfwlrqv uhodwhg wr hgxfdwlrq surjudpv dqg frpplwwhhv. Ryhudoo, wklv eloo dlpv wr xsgdwh dqg lpsuryh wkh rshudwlrqv ri wkh Xwdk Vhlvplf Vdihwb Frpplvvlrq zkloh hqvxulqj wkh hiilflhqw xvh ri uhvrxufhv.

  •  In Progress
    House/ filed
  •  In Progress
    House/ strike enacting clause
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ to House
  •  Failed
    Senate/ failed
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ uncircled
  •  Paused
    Senate/ circled
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ uncircled
  •  Paused
    Senate/ circled
  • Senate/ substituted from # 1 to # 2
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ uncircled
  •  In Progress
    House/ to Printing with fiscal note
  •  Paused
    Senate/ circled
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ uncircled
  •  Paused
    Senate/ circled
  • Senate/ substituted from # 0 to # 1
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ 3rd reading
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ passed 2nd reading
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ 2nd reading
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ placed on 2nd Reading Calendar
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ committee report favorable
  •  In Progress
    House/ passed 3rd reading
  •  In Progress
    House/ 3rd reading
  •  In Progress
    House/ 2nd reading
  •  Introduced
    Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed
  •  Drafted
    Bill Numbered but not Distributed
  •  In Progress
    LFA/ fiscal note publicly available
  •  Paused
    Senate/ circled
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ substituted
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ 3rd reading
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ passed 2nd reading
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ 2nd reading
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ placed on 2nd Reading Calendar
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ committee report favorable
  •  In Progress
    Senate Comm - Favorable Recommendation
  •  In Progress
    House/ held
  •  In Progress
    House/ passed 3rd reading
  •  In Progress
    House/ 3rd reading
  •  In Progress
    House/ 2nd reading
  •  In Progress
    House/ Rules to 3rd Reading Calendar
  •  Introduced
    House/ 1st reading (Introduced)
  •  In Progress
    House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst
  •  In Progress
    House/ received bill from Legislative Research
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ to standing committee
  •  Introduced
    Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced)
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ received from House
  •  In Progress
    House/ to Senate
  •  In Progress
    House/ held
  •  In Progress
    House/ passed 3rd reading
  •  In Progress
    House/ 3rd reading
  •  In Progress
    House/ 2nd reading
  •  In Progress
    House/ Rules to 3rd Reading Calendar
  •  Introduced
    House/ 1st reading (Introduced)
  •  In Progress
    House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst
  •  In Progress
    House/ received bill from Legislative Research
  • LFA/ fiscal note publicly available
  • LFA/ bill sent to agencies for fiscal input
  • Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed
  • Bill Numbered but not Distributed
  • LFA/ fiscal note publicly available
  • LFA/ bill sent to agencies for fiscal input
  • Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed
  • Bill Numbered but not Distributed