HB0040  Enrolled Feb 26
Division of Consumer Protection Amendments
Seer Summary

This bill establishes a Consumer Protection Division to enforce consumer protection laws and handle complaints. It aims to protect sensitive information...

eb hahpswlqj fhuwdlq uhfrugv iurp sxeolf glvforvxuh, vdihjxduglqj shuvrqdo gdwd, uhvhdufk, dqg lqwhoohfwxdo surshuwb uljkwv. Wkh eloo dovr lqwurgxfhv qhz hahpswlrqv wr surwhfw lqyhvwljdwlrq phwkrgv, khdowkfduh dqg odz hqirufhphqw uhfruglqjv, dqg wudgh vhfuhwv, hpskdvlclqj wkh lpsruwdqfh ri sulydfb dqg vhfxulwb lq kdqgolqj vshflilf wbshv ri lqirupdwlrq.

  •  Enrolled
    Draft of Enrolled Bill Prepared
  •  Enrolled
    Bill Received from House for Enrolling
  •  In Progress
    House/ signed by Speaker/ sent for enrolling
  •  In Progress
    House/ received from Senate
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ to House
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ signed by President/ returned to House
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ received from House
  •  In Progress
    House/ to Senate
  •  In Progress
    House/ concurs with Senate amendment
  •  In Progress
    House/ placed on Concurrence Calendar
  •  In Progress
    House/ received from Senate
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ to House with amendments
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ passed 3rd reading
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ 3rd reading
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ passed 2nd reading
  • Senate/ floor amendment # 1
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ uncircled
  •  Paused
    Senate/ circled
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ 2nd reading
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ placed on 2nd Reading Calendar
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ committee report favorable
  •  In Progress
    Senate Comm - Favorable Recommendation
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ to standing committee
  •  Introduced
    Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced)
  •  In Progress
    House/ to Senate
  •  In Progress
    House/ passed 3rd reading
  •  In Progress
    House/ 3rd reading
  •  In Progress
    House/ 2nd reading
  •  In Progress
    House/ comm rpt/ substituted
  • House Comm - Substitute Recommendation from # 0 to # 1
  •  Introduced
    Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed
  •  Drafted
    Bill Numbered but not Distributed
  •  In Progress
    Senate/ received from House
  •  In Progress
    House/ to Senate
  •  In Progress
    House/ passed 3rd reading
  •  In Progress
    House/ 3rd reading
  •  In Progress
    House/ 2nd reading
  •  In Progress
    House/ comm rpt/ substituted
  •  In Progress
    LFA/ fiscal note publicly available
  •  In Progress
    House Comm - Favorable Recommendation
  •  In Progress
    House Comm - Substitute Recommendation
  •  Not Considered
    House Comm - Not Considered
  •  In Progress
    House/ to standing committee
  •  Introduced
    House/ 1st reading (Introduced)
  •  In Progress
    House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst
  •  In Progress
    House/ received bill from Legislative Research
  •  Not Considered
    House Comm - Not Considered
  •  In Progress
    House/ to standing committee
  •  Introduced
    House/ 1st reading (Introduced)
  •  In Progress
    House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst
  •  In Progress
    House/ received bill from Legislative Research
  •  In Progress
    LFA/ fiscal note publicly available
  • LFA/ bill sent to agencies for fiscal input
  • Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed
  • Bill Numbered but not Distributed
  • LFA/ bill sent to agencies for fiscal input
  • Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed
  • Bill Numbered but not Distributed