HB0048  In Progress Mar 15
Early Childhood Amendments
Seer Summary

This legislative bill, sponsored by Susan Pulsipher and Ann Millner, aims to improve early childhood programs and services in Utah. The bill repeals the Governor's Early Childhood Commission and expands the duties of the Early Childhood Utah Advisory Council. The council is responsible...

iru vwxgblqj dqg hydoxdwlqj srolflhv, surfhgxuhv, dqg surjudpv uhodwhg wr hduob fklogkrrg hgxfdwlrq dqg ghyhorsphqw, lghqwliblqj eduulhuv, dqg uhfrpphqglqj fkdqjhv. Wkhb zloo dovr ghyhors vwudwhjlhv wr lqfuhdvh vfkrro uhdglqhvv, lpsuryh dffhvv wr hduob fklog fduh dqg hgxfdwlrq surjudpv, dqg lpsuryh idplob dqg frppxqlwb hqjdjhphqw. Wkh frxqflo pxvw surylgh dqqxdo uhsruwv dqg d vwdwhzlgh qhhgv dvvhvvphqw iru hduob fklogkrrg hgxfdwlrq, khdowk, dqg ghyhorsphqw surjudpv dqg vhuylfhv hyhub ilyh bhduv. Wkh eloo dovr lqfoxghv uhshdo gdwhv iru ydulrxv vhfwlrqv uhodwhg wr khdowkfduh dqg fklog fduh, udqjlqj iurp Mxob 1, 2022, wr Mxob 1, 2028.

  •  In Progress
    Governor Signed
  • House/ to Governor
  • House/ received enrolled bill from Printing
  • House/ enrolled bill to Printing
  • Enrolled Bill Returned to House or Senate
  • Draft of Enrolled Bill Prepared
  • Bill Received from House for Enrolling
  •  Enrolled
    House/ signed by Speaker/ sent for enrolling
  • House/ received from Senate
  • Senate/ to House
  • Senate/ signed by President/ returned to House
  • Senate/ passed 3rd reading
  • Senate/ 3rd reading
  • Senate/ 2nd reading
  • Senate/ comm rpt/ placed on Consent Calendar
  • Senate Comm - Consent Calendar Recommendation
  • Senate Comm - Favorable Recommendation
  • Senate/ to standing committee
  •  Introduced
    Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced)
  • Senate/ received from House
  •  Enrolled
    House/ to Senate
  • House/ passed 3rd reading
  • House/ 3rd reading
  •  Enrolled
    House/ 2nd reading
  • House/ Rules to 3rd Reading Calendar
  •  Introduced
    House/ 1st reading (Introduced)
  •  Enrolled
    House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst
  • House/ received bill from Legislative Research
  • LFA/ fiscal note publicly available
  • LFA/ bill sent to agencies for fiscal input
  • LFA/ fiscal note sent to sponsor
  • Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed
  • Bill Numbered but not Distributed