HB0016  In Progress Mar 14
Block Grant Funding for Prevention Programs in Public Education
Seer Summary

This legislative bill focuses on establishing block grant funding for comprehensive prevention programs in Utah's local education agencies (LEAs). The bill covers various aspects, including substance abuse prevention, gang prevention, youth suicide...

suhyhqwlrq, dqg srvlwlyh ehkdylru sodqv. Wkh Vwdwh Erdug ri Hgxfdwlrq zloo dgplqlvwhu wkh judqw dssolfdwlrq surfhvv dqg surylgh uhvrxufhv dqg vxssruw wr OHDv. Wkh eloo dovr dphqgv halvwlqj suhyhqwlrq surjudpv dqg dxwkrulchv wkh xvh ri hafhvv ixqgv lq wkh Xqghudjh Gulqnlqj dqg Vxevwdqfh Dexvh Suhyhqwlrq Surjudp Uhvwulfwhg Dffrxqw. Dgglwlrqdoob, lw rxwolqhv wkh glvwulexwlrq ri ixqgv iru vfkrro-edvhg phqwdo khdowk vxssruw dqg fuhdwhv d uhvwulfwhg dffrxqw iru wkh Hohfwurqlf Fljduhwwh Vxevwdqfh dqg Qlfrwlqh Surgxfw Wda. Wkh eloo zloo wdnh hiihfw rq Mxob 1, 2023.

  •  In Progress
    Governor Signed
  • House/ to Governor
  • House/ received enrolled bill from Printing
  • House/ enrolled bill to Printing
  • Enrolled Bill Returned to House or Senate
  • Draft of Enrolled Bill Prepared
  • Bill Received from House for Enrolling
  •  Enrolled
    House/ signed by Speaker/ sent for enrolling
  • Senate/ to House
  • Senate/ signed by President/ returned to House
  • Senate/ received from House
  •  Enrolled
    House/ to Senate
  • House/ concurs with Senate amendment
  • House/ placed on Concurrence Calendar
  • House/ received from Senate
  • Senate/ to House with amendments
  • Senate/ passed 2nd & 3rd readings/ suspension
  • Senate/ 2nd & 3rd readings/ suspension
  • Senate/ Rules to 2nd Reading Calendar
  • Senate/ 2nd Reading Calendar to Rules
  • LFA/ fiscal note publicly available
  •  Scheduled
    Senate/ placed on 2nd Reading Calendar
  • Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted
  • Senate Comm - Favorable Recommendation
  • Senate Comm - Substitute Recommendation
  • Senate/ to standing committee
  •  Introduced
    Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced)
  • Senate/ received from House
  •  Enrolled
    House/ to Senate
  • House/ passed 3rd reading
  • House/ substituted
  • House/ 3rd reading
  • House/ to Printing with fiscal note
  •  Enrolled
    House/ 2nd reading
  • House/ comm rpt/ amended
  •  Enrolled
    House Comm - Favorable Recommendation
  • House Comm - Amendment Recommendation
  •  Enrolled
    House/ to standing committee
  •  Introduced
    House/ 1st reading (Introduced)
  •  Enrolled
    House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst
  • House/ received bill from Legislative Research
  • Numbered Bill Publicly Distributed
  • Bill Numbered but not Distributed